Now that we’re in the middle of winter, your heater isn’t getting a day off and it’s more important than ever to ensure your filters are in good shape. Replacing your HVAC filters every three to six months can have a myriad of benefits for you, your furnace, and your wallet. Below are some of the reasons you should be replacing your filters on a regular basis:

  1. Installation is simple (and inexpensive)
    Whether you’re an expert at household maintenance or not, replacing filters is a breeze, and a standard, 1-inch filter won’t cost more than $10. That price can fluctuate depending on the thickness of your filter, with a 4-inch filter, another popular option, running between $25 and $35. Unsure if it’s time to replace your filter? Once it turns from white to light grey, it’s time to purchase a new one.
  2. It improves air quality
    A furnace filter serves two purposes: protecting the fan from the dust and debris the return duct draws in, and keeping contaminants from being recirculated. A dirty or clogged furnace won’t be able to do either effectively, causing allergens, dust, dirt, and other particles to build up in the air. Ensuring you have a new, clean filter will reduce the risk of allergies, sneezing, or respiratory problems that can be caused or aggravated by poor air quality. If you do have allergies or are sensitive to air quality, pay attention to the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating, which ranges from 1 to 16. MERV 8 or 9 should be fine for most homes, but MERV 12 or 13 can be beneficial for people with past respiratory issues.
  3. It extends the life of your system
    The largest killer of furnaces is a clogged filter. When clogged, it’s more difficult for the air to pass through the furnace and the system has to work harder, leading it to overheat. The problems can range from needing furnace repairs to your system shutting down entirely. Some of our managers have seen the same system fail after eight years or 32, all depending on whether or not the filters are replaced regularly.
  4. It keeps energy costs down
    With clean filters, your system won’t have to work as hard, driving energy prices down. As heating and cooling account for more than half of the energy usage in the average American home, according to the Department of Energy, making sure your systems are running efficiently will protect you from unnecessary, additional expenses.

Have a question about replacing filters or finding the right filter for you? Give us a call at 800.352.1818 so we can help answer any of your heating and air services questions.

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