When you get your electric bill in the mail, do you ever wonder what you are paying for? You try to conserve where you can. You may have even switched all your light bulbs to CFL’s hoping to save some money each month; yet your electric bills didn’t seem to drop as much as you’d hoped. Where does all that power go?

Was it to those “vampire loads” you’d heard about; from TV’s, computers and other electronics that are never really “off”? Was it that to that old freezer in the garage? Or was it your porch and foyer lights that you leave on to feel safer when you come home? How much power can they really use?

Until now, you could guess the answer, try making a change, and wait a month to get the bill and see if it worked. Now, with the ENVI monitor from BelRed, you can see your power consumption “live” as it happens, and see the results that even small changes can make, as you make them!

The ENVI helps you to understand your power usage, and empowers you to make decisions about how you use that power. With real-time information, you can change your awareness, and your habits, reducing your energy use, and your utility bills. See how much power you can save by turning off devices at the outlet or power-strip. See how much power individual appliances use by unplugging them and seeing the change it makes, as it happens.

The ENVI is installed inside your electric panel, and transmits wirelessly to a stylish device you can place anywhere in your home. It can also be connected to your PC, and works with free downloadable software and Google PowerMeter to help you analyze your power consumption and compare it with other similar households in your area.

Take the first step towards changing your energy consumption, saving power, saving money, and saving the environment. Call BelRed today to learn more about the ENVI montior, or to arrange to have one installed in your home.

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