Whether in our own homes or somewhere else, we have all probably experienced the stuffy feeling of damp, heavy or “dirty” air indoors. It’s certainly not a pleasant feeling and can even be harmful to our health and wellbeing.


According to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies, levels for air pollutants may be up to five times higher indoors than outdoors. We thought we’d help you start to address some of the typical causes of poor indoor air quality. The series of tips begins below. Enjoy!

1. Make sure your ducts are properly sealed. The US Dept. of Energy considers duct-leakage (unsealed ductwork) one of the largest impacts in building efficiency, comfort, ​and indoor air quality (IAQ); in fact, duct leakage can be +40% in a typical home; if plumbed like most homes, through a crawlspace, garage or attic this can create a potentially unhealthy &/or unsafe situations (drafting of combustion byproducts via unsealed plenums near combustion based units or from dirty crawlspaces & attics).


2. Clean your ducts! If you have poor air inside your home—meaning it is dirty and full of allergens, dust and dirt particles (or more!), you may just be compounding the problem if you have dirty ducts. This common problem not only circulates dirty air back into your home, but also infuses that dirty air with even more bad particles. Having your ducts cleaned professionally can be one of the biggest solutions to indoor air problems, so it’s often a great place to start!

3. Clean your house regularly. Not to add pressure onto that growing list of chores (we know… it’s almost honey do list season), but cleaning your house is also an extremely effective way of improving the air quality within the home. Leaving dirty surfaces covered with dust or other allergens (including pollen from indoor plants) can lead to dirty air in a hurry. Cleaning and disinfecting with safe chemicals or home products can guard against any harmful particles entering your home’s air system in the first place.

4. Spring has almost sprung… get ready to open those windows! This will probably be an easy one for most of our readers as we prepare to say goodbye to winter. As the days begin to warm up, don’t be afraid to open those windows! As mentioned in the introduction to this post, the air inside your home is likely much, much dirtier than the fresh air outside. This is especially true after having your home shut up for the winter months. Even if you can stand the slight cold for a few minutes at a time starting now, opening your windows can bring much needed fresh air into your living space.

5. Don’t forget the pets. Just like the surfaces inside your home, it’s important to keep your pets well groomed and bathed during months in which opening windows isn’t an option. As pet owners know well, dirt and dander clings to dogs and cats very easily, then can release into the air in your home in no time. Keep them clean—your lungs will thank you.

If you have issues with your indoor air quality and need help improving it, you can contact BelRed today.


Begin breathing easier. Contact BelRed today learn how you can improve the quality of your home’s indoor air.

Don’t Feel Stuffy – Tips to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality, Part 2

Don’t Feel Stuffy – Tips to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality, Part 3

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