Spring is here, and for many people, the last thing they think about is their furnace. But most people don’t realize that their furnace runs as much as 3,000 hours per year. To put this in perspective, a car driven for the same 3,000 hours at 60 miles per hour would travel 180,000 miles in a year! You wouldn’t drive your car 180,000 miles without a tune-up; and you shouldn’t do it to your comfort system either. After a long winter, your furnace needs attention more than ever!

Spring is the time of year when we can schedule your service appointment at a time that works for you. If you wait until the fall when we are busiest, we’ll have less flexibility, and you may have to wait longer than you’d like. Schedule this service now so your system will be in peak operating condition when fall rolls back around, and you’ll have no worries for the next winter season.

There are simple things you can do on your own as well: Cleaning or replacing your furnace filter every 1-3 months will ensure you are getting the best possible performance and efficiency from your system. You should also ensure that the area around the front of your furnace (and around the outdoor air conditioner or heat pump if you have one) is kept clear. This will provide adequate airflow for combustion in the furnace and keep the unit running at peak efficiency between servicing.

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