Power surges are one of the biggest hazards to the electrical circuits in your home. BelRed understands the ways newer heating and cooling equipment use sensitive electronic components, and how to install surge protectors to preserve those electronics from power surges. For more information on the best ways to protect your home, call BelRed today.

Whether it’s a new TV, dishwasher, smart-home device like the Nest learning thermostat, or another home appliance, the latest electronics are frequently found in our homes. Many of us eagerly await hot new items to upgrade our homes with, but few stop to consider how to keep those electricity-dependent devices operating safely and efficiently for as long as possible.

While some electronic devices are a luxury, others are nearly indispensable. Operating without lights, laundry units, heating and cooling systems, or refrigeration can feel impossible nowadays, so it’s extremely important that you take the necessary precautions to protect your home’s electrical system.

It’s especially important if you live in an area with unstable power or have experienced power outages in your home – did you know that after an outage when the power comes back on, it surges to higher voltages than normal? Power surges and spikes in voltage can damage sensitive electronic systems in your home, and they’re frequently caused by damaged wiring, fallen power lines, lightning storms, and general power outages.

When it comes to heating and cooling equipment, one surge protector will protect one unit – either an air conditioner or furnace – while a surge protector for the whole house will protect all circuits in your home. Surge protectors also provide extra outlets for various electronic devices, and can save money by turning each device on and off at the same time from a central switch. Most importantly, they maximize energy efficiency and help your home avoid energy spikes and the issues they cause, like damage to sensitive electronic components, or even fires in some cases.

For more information on surge protection and how to preserve your home’s electrical system, contact BelRed today.

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