“Going green” has become much more than a trendy buzzword when it comes to energy consumption and awareness in this region and country. The movement has certainly made it into the homes and minds of many individuals looking to not only do their part to help our planet, but also wanting to reduce their energy costs in a practical, sustainable way.

In this blog post series, we’re going to take a look at some simple ways that you can green up your home. Here are a few additional tips:

  • Add plants to your home. Living walls and roof gardens, while around for many, many years, are making a comeback with the green wave. These plant coverings fight pollution by absorbing both noise and carbon dioxide alike. They can also add an additional layer of insulation to your home. This may be the most literal tip for “greening” your home, but it can be one of great benefit and provide added visual appeal in your home as well!
  • Install eco-friendly landscape. Speaking of the benefits of plants when it comes to going green in the home, implementing eco-friendly landscaping practices around your home in general can have a great impact on energy savings as well. Going along with the theme of saving water just discussed, collecting rainwater whenever possible to use in the garden or on other plants is a great energy savings and eco-friendly practice. Strategically installing trees and shrubs can also help shade your home and act as external insulation, reducing energy needs inside the home.
  • Use power strips for your electronics and appliances. Plugging multiple electronics or small appliances (chargers, TVs, computers, coffee makers, etc.) and turning the strip off when things are not in use may seem like a small change, but it can be a great habit to get into. The collective savings you’ll get from doing a hard shutoff of these devices can be big—in some cases saving you more than 10% on your annual electric bill. Training the whole family to shut off the strips is a great idea and can really reduce unnecessary energy consumption in your home.

There are many other tips to greening your home and way of life within the household. We’ll be following up shortly with a few more tips on going green in the home. Don’t miss it!

As always, the best way to REALLY have a large impact on cutting your energy consumption is to give us a call at BelRed to help you determine the best ways you can save.

Making Your Home a Little Greener – Part 1

Making Your Home a Little Greener – Part 3

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