It’s that time of year. Daylight Savings Time is just around the corner. On March 8th, it will be time to spring your clocks forward an hour.

The two times per year we have to remember to adjust our clocks can also be good reminders that we must stay sharp on key safety issues around the home. Changing the batteries on smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors is a crucial step toward ensuring the safety of you, your family and other home residents. The batteries in smoke detectors should be changed every six months, which is why the beginning and end of daylight savings time are perfect opportunities to set reminders to do so. According some studies, only three out of four homes reported changing the batteries in their smoke alarms in the last six months. We highly encourage you to remember to do so.

Furthermore, and perhaps more often forgotten than the battery changes, it’s extremely important to remember that sensors in carbon monoxide detectors don’t typically last as long as smoke detectors. The sensors in carbon monoxide detectors are only designed to last 2-3 years on average. Maintaining working carbon monoxide detectors is something extremely important, yet something not all homeowners do. While about 95 percent of U.S. homes report having at least one working smoke alarm, only 42 percent report having a working CO alarm based on 2011 U.S. Census Bureau data. As a reminder, it’s suggested that carbon monoxide detectors (like smoke alarms) should be placed on every floor in the home and outside all sleeping areas.

If it’s been more than 3 years since you replaced your carbon monoxide detector, it’s time for a change. You can contact BelRed today and ask about our low-level CO detectors. These models provide the best protection available for you and your loved ones, along with a long-lasting 5-year sensor.

Please keep your home safe for you and your loved ones.  Once you take the necessary steps to check the batteries and functionality of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, go enjoy that extra hour of daylight!

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